Refund policy

Goods and services

Customers can request for refund within 15 days from the date of purchase, if and only if the purchase of goods are from our firm websites. Please refer to the Terms of Service.

The products or services purchased from third-party vendors, either from an online or offline store, are subject to the third-party vendor's Refund Policy.

Software services

We do not offer refunds for software services.

Subscription services

Customers are not entitled to refunds for either digital or non-digital subscription services.

PDF eBooks

Once the customer takes delivery of a PDF eBook by any electronic means (download, email, storage media, etc.), then no refunds will be entertained.

Progressive Value Investing - PDF eBook $19.95

Progressive Value Investing - PDF eBook $19.95

Maple Arbor - Progressive Value Investing

Progressive Value Investing, a retail investor guide to wealth creation. Progressive Value Investing is a set of investment principles applied to equity investing or tradable securities in general. A must-read investment book for retail investors.

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Digital Signature Certificate ₹1,000.00

Digital Signature Certificate ₹1,000.00

Aadhaar or PAN-based Paperless DSC

Buy cheap paperless Individual Class 3 DSC online. The KYC process is completely paperless. No need to send attested photocopies of identity and address proofs to Certifying Authority (CA).

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